SEO consultancy services for your UK website
Wouldn’t it be great to work with someone who cares as much about your SEO success as you do?
Who gets genuinely excited every time you take a booking or make a sale?
That’s me – I love it when YOU succeed, because it means I succeed too!
This is the service for you if you:
- want someone to take over all of the SEO hassle for you,
- need an SEO consultant who knows her Technical AND On-Page SEO, and
- just want to be found online without having to spend hours on your website every day.
If you think I might be that someone, then book in a call to see if we’re a fit, or see the SEO FAQs below.
SEO done FOR you FAQs
How much do SEO services cost?
Do you do technical SEO or just on-page SEO?
I started out in SEO in the early 90’s and have a background in both technical and on-page SEO. So I know how to make your site run fast enough for a search engine to know that it’s trustworthy; know all about META headers, alt tags, canonical issues, redirects and more.
I also know how to structure a webpage and blog post, which pages should be indexed and which shouldn’t, and the best way to write pillar and cornerstone content.
Some of my clients need help with just technical SEO, some need help with SEO copywriting and content, and some come to me for both.
When you buy a Search Engine Optimisation package from me, you get the best of both worlds. Awesome, up-to-date technical knowledge of what works in SEO, combined with strategy and content know-how to help you make the most of your investment with me.
Do you guarantee first page Google listings?
And neither should anyone else. If they do, they’re lying.
What I do guarantee is that your search engine positions will improve, and your visibility and traffic will increase. I can also advise on your website user experience to help you to maximise the traffic my service generates.
Can you 'SEO' this blog post for me?
That's not how SEO works, and if anyone tells you it is, they're lying.
I need SEO, but my website is on Wix/Squarespace/Wordpress/another platform - can you help?
Yes. I've worked on SEO for hundreds of sites, built on many different platforms - if I can get admin access to your website, I can help with your SEO. Sometimes I will need to speak to your website developer to make technical SEO changes, but I will advise you of this before staring to work with you.
Will I have to do any work on my website once I've hired you?
It depends.
I would expect all of my clients to be adding ongoing content to their websites (usually blog posts, sometimes something else), but we can talk about this in our initial call.
You won't be expected to do any technical work on your site, as long as I have access to your backend admin system.
How do I get started?
That bit's easy! Book in a quick call so we can chat a little more about what you need, grab me on LinkedIn, or send me an email.
I’ve been promoting websites like yours via search engines since the early 1990s – way before Google existed, when getting to number one on a search engine was unbelievably quick (and easy!), and no-one needed to second guess what Google wanted (because Google hadn’t been invented yet!).
I’ve tested and studied both technical and on-page SEO for three decades, and I’d love to help your website generate business from people searching for your services.
Are you ready to SEO?
What is the SEO process?
1. We talk
Once you’ve agreed to work with me, I’ll start by spending some time chatting to you about your business and services. We’ll talk about keywords and keyphrases that you think people would use to find your company. This can be enlightening, because what YOU think your clients will search for isn’t always what they ACTUALLY search for.
We’ll walk through the buying process on your website, to see if you’re ready for SEO. “Build it and they will come” may be true, but so is “Make it confusing and they will leave”.
We’ll decide whether you need new pages on your website to help your SEO, or new blog posts to capture phrases your website can’t right now. We’ll talk about the obvious technical problems and how to fix them.
2. I research
I’ll start with a full technical audit of your website. I use the pro versions of SEMRush and SE Ranking. You may hear other SEO companies talking about Moz, Ahrefs, etc. – they all do pretty much the same job.
Once I have a list of the technical things that need fixing – anything from canonical issues, redirect problems, and duplicate META tags to unminified javascript, toxic backlinks, and missing H1 headers – I’ll move on to on-page issues.
If you don’t have them already, I’ll install Google Search Console and Google Analytics. These will tell me which search phrases Google thinks your website is about, and how you’re ranking for them, among other things.
Then I’ll start with keyword research. I’ll look at the keywords you’re ranking for, and the ones you’re not, and let you know how likely your site is to get good listings, how much traffic you could possibly get, and what we have to do to get there.
3. I optimise
Once we have a list of the things that need to be done to optimise your website, I’ll get started on them.
You’ll get frequent updates on the work I’ve done or am doing, as well as a weekly report to show the impact of what has been done, and a monthly call where we discuss work to be done going forward.
4. We tweak
SEO is rarely a ‘one-and-done’ thing – and for more competitive phrases and searches it takes time. Which means testing, tweaking, and on-going work to make sure that you gain and maintain good rankings.
This is why my SEO services fee is spread over a minimum 6 month contract. We may need to add more content, look into doorway pages, rejig the content that is already there, and that takes time.
I want the best for your business website, and taking a fee from you, doing a one-off job, and then leaving you to it, isn’t it.
Non-Wanky SEO