
SEO & Copywriting Content for UK websites

So, you have a small business website. Maybe you designed it yourself, maybe you paid someone else to design it, but it’s there and it does an awesome job of showing people how fabulous you are.

But is anyone visiting it? And if they are, are they contacting you to buy your products or services?

As a small business owner and a freelancer, I know how to make your website work – whether it be helping you with SEO to get higher rankings on Google (that will actually bring you website visitors), writing copy and content for your website, or showing you in 1:1 sessions how to do it yourself.

A photo of nikki sitting in the corner of a brightly lit factory room holding a very large cable. It has nothing to do with seo, nikki just loves the shot.

Here’s how I can help

Curly arrow pointing down

SEO Services

Writing about yourself or your own business is tough. Writing in a way that makes other people want to engage is even tougher. Generating sales from the words that you write is possibly the toughest part of all.

Add SEO on to that, and how are you supposed to keep up to date AND run your business?

Let me help – all of my content is written with one eye on SEO and will leave you free to deal with the business it generates.

SEO Training

What do I know about SEO?

I started promoting websites over 30 years ago, before Google existed, and have continued to promote websites through many algorithm changes. SEO is in my blood.

What do I know about Content Writing?

From website copy to blog posts and beyond, I’ve been writing content since my days of dreaming of being a journalist. I know copy inside out.

What do I know about your industry?

Over 30 years I’ve promoted via SEO and written about industries as far apart as children’s clothes and engineering. I’ve promoted web design agencies, architects, and accountants, through to SaaS companies, healthcare, and beyond. Extensive research allows me to write about most industries with knowledge and ease. (It also means I’m pretty awesome in a pub quiz!)

Testimonial from katie jo copywriting for nikki pilkington seo - if you want to know anything about seo, speak to nikki - she's a bloody legend.

Non-Wanky SEO