SEO Training for Freelancers & Small Business Owners
When you start your own business, no-one tells you that you need to know about Google, websites, SEO, LinkedIn – the list of things you have to learn on the fly is never-ending!
All while you’re trying to run a business, deal with other marketing, possibly manage staff, and a whole lot more.
If only there was someone who could help you navigate the SEO and online marketing landscape, without confusing you, patronising you, or giving you vague tips and hints that you don’t know what the bloody hell to do with.

Here’s how I can help

1:1 SEO training
This 1:1 SEO training is for you if you:
- would like to have better rankings in Google (and other search engines) but don’t know where to start.
- want SEO advice and pointers based on YOUR website, not just vague tips that don’t really help, and
- just want to be found online without having to shell out thousands of pounds on an ‘expert’.
It’s an hour on Zoom, with me, finding out the quick and easy things you can do to help your rankings now.
FREE training
I’m a big believer in helping people out where I can, and karma tells me that if I put good out into the world, then good will come back to me (or something).
So occasionally I offer free training opportunities, either via email, video, or on occasion 1:1.
I’ll be honest, some of the things I’ve included in ‘free training’ are pushing the ‘training’ part a little bit, but they’re all useful, and I hope you like them.
You’ll find those opportunities here.
Non-Wanky SEO
If you haven’t done an SEO training course previously, that’s probably because you’ve been worried that:
- It’ll cost you too much (bye bye profit margin!).
- You’ll be bamboozled by all that jargon and so confused you decide SEO isn’t worth the hassle after all.
- You won’t get the results you’re hoping for (after all that expense!).
You want simple, clear, step-by-step SEO training for your website and blogs.
THIS is your perfect solution.
Non-Wanky SEO