H1 Headers – One Of The Easiest SEO Fixes

H1 headers - one of the easiest seo fixes

Let’s talk about H1 Headers on your website – are you using yours in the best possible way?

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What Is A H1 Header?

A H1 header is the main (header) title of any web page. Today I’m mainly talking about your website home page.

In an extremely simplified world, imagine Google sends along it’s little spider-bot to look at your website – after it’s looked at your domain name and your webpage URL, it looks at things in this order:

-> SEO Title
–> H1

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Does Your H1 Tell Google What Your Site Is About?

Or is it just a place for you be clever with words?

(If you’re really good, it’s both.)

Let’s look at some websites that do it well- see if you can spot the H1 header.

Networkb2b h1 header
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Freelancer h1 header
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Procopywriters h1 header

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In the above 3 cases, I found their websites on Google by searching for phrases that are included in the H1 of the front page of their website.

Now take a look at your own website home page. What is your H1 header?

Is It Something Clever Like:

👉 words without waffle because you’re better than that
👉 imagine a world where…
👉 Passionate about making more time?

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Or maybe it’s your LinkedIn tagline, because you already know that works for you on there:

👉 no bullshit coach
👉 non wanky SEO
👉 I help people who don’t understand accounts

It’s possibly something a little different: maybe your company name, a witty line you thought sounded good, a quote from a testimonial?

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I’m Really Sorry, But None Of Those Things Are Going To Help Your SEO.

And I’ll tell you why:

💥No-one is searching for your tagline
💥No-one is searching for your witty phrase
💥If someone is searching for your company name, they already know who you are.

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What People ARE Searching For Are:

– The services you offer
– The problems you solve

And, in the main, that’s it.

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So, let’s look at some other H1 headers that certainly won’t be helping the website owners generate business:

  • Welcome to Company Name
  • We’re Company Name and we’re here to help
  • In business for 35 years
  • Town’s number one X
  • LOGO
  • Serving clients since 1986
  • No H1 at all
  • Home, Portfolio, Services, etc

None of the above are things people are searching for, so why would you tell Google they’re the focus of that particular page on your website? They’re vanity phrases to make you look good when someone actually lands on your website – but what good are they doing if they mean that Google and other search engines can’t rank you because they don’t know what your site is about?

Go take a look at the H1 headers on your pages (specifically your home page) and tell me if you’ve fallen into the vanity trap.

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What Next?

H1 Headers is probably one of the easiest SEO fixes there is – I spend a lot of time on my 1:1 SEO Training calls going over easy SEO fixes – now might be a good time to book yours.