So What?

So what?

So what?

Football player shrugging his shoulders as if to say "so what"?

I say this a lot to my clients.

When they ask me to write a blog post, when they want a new page added to their websites, when they want to focus on a new phrase for SEO.

So what?

Not because I’m rude (I mean, I can be pretty rude, but they know that already), but because that’s what the person reading the web page, blog, or article will be thinking.

🔒 You can help people with ISO27001 consultancy issues? So what?
🫂 Your service is used by 536 people? So what?
🏆 Your company won an award? So what?

If you can’t answer the ‘so what’ in every piece of content you write, there’s not much point writing it.

Internet users have evolved into an army of no attention span frantic back-clickers – when they get to your site after a Google search it’s only a couple of clicks or swipes back and they have instant access to your competitors.

And if your competitors are answering “So what?” better than you are, then you’re missing out.

If you’re not sure what your “So what?” is, get in touch.