There’s Nothing Wrong With Working In McDonald’s

There's nothing wrong with working in mcdonald's

I hear it all the time:

🛑 “He’ll end up working in McDonald’s”
🛑 “The only thing she’s good for is flipping burgers”
🛑 “McDonald’s is too good for them”

But why? What is it about McDonald’s that makes it such an insult?

See, one of my first ever proper jobs was in McDonald’s. And for a first job I think it’s great.

At McD’s I:

✅ learned about shift work (and how to manipulate it to fit into my oh so hectic social life!)
✅ was trained in 3 different jobs (cleaning, serving and cooking)
✅ met new people every day
✅ learned how to deal with the public
✅ realised that there are worse things than school uniform

For a young person looking to enter the workforce, especially as a part time job, I think McDonald’s is perfect.

OK. it may not be a ‘this is what I want to do for the rest of my life’ type job, but it’s a great start to a working life.

I learned a helluva lot from my time at Maccy D’s, and I don’t think it should be the insult it’s made into at times.

I learned about being on time, taking responsibility, dealing with the public, appreciating training, bonus and incentive schemes and more.

I had to deal with customers, be conscientious and accountable, and when I was there (32 years ago now) they had great team building days too.

Maybe instead of telling our kids they’re destined to work in McDonald’s if they don’t pass their exams, we should be encouraging them to do a stint there to learn what it’s like to have a real job?

Regardless of your thoughts about the food, it’s the working environment I’m talking about, and it sure taught me a lot at the age of 17.

Plus I can cook a mean McChicken sandwich – what’s not to like?

Want to find out more about me and the random places I worked in my youth? Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter and let’s chat!