Working with Nikki Pilkington for SEO – What do I need from you?

Working with nikki pilkington for seo - what do i need from you?

Congratulations on making an awesome choice to work with me, Nikki Pilkington, on your SEO!

Before we can start, here’s what I need from you.

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Access to your Google Search Console

This allows me to see the pages on your site that are already listed in Google, and the ones that aren’t. It also lets me look at the phrases that your site is already showing up for and gives me a base level for keyword research.

Don’t have a Google Search Console account? Just let me know and I’ll set it up for you.

Don’t know how to give me access? Here’s a guide that should help – just add as a user with full access.

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Access to your Google Analytics

This lets me look at your traffic history and where your visitors are currently coming from.

Don’t have a Google Analytics account? Just let me know and I’ll set it up for you.

Don’t know how to give me access? Here’s a guide that should help – just add as a user with full access.

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Access to your Google CPC account

This helps me to see which phrases you are currently targeting for paid advertising. If you don’t have a CPC account, you can ignore this part!

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Access to your WordPress or Website Admin

In order to perform the necessary changes on your website, I will need access to any admin or CMS – if you don’t have this info your web designer will.

Either add to your system, or set me up as a new user and let me know the login details.

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An introduction to the person who looks after your website

In some cases I won’t be able to make changes on your website myself. If this is the case, or the structure needs changing, I need to be able to contact the person who can. A quick email introducing us is very much appreciated, or let me have their details and I’ll introduce myself.

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An introduction to anyone in your company that writes copy/content

A big part of SEO is content and copy. If you haven’t take me up on either my SEO Copywriting or Blogging for Business services, I need to be able to speak with the person within your company who writes for you. I’ll need to be able to send suggested blog titles and new page content to them depending on the search phrases we’re targeting. An email introducing us at the beginning will help to make sure things run smoothly.

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A signed order form

You should have received an order form and terms and conditions from me – once this is completed, we’re almost good to go — just one more thing:

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Your setup invoice paid

Once the initial set up invoice is paid, I can get started on your SEO and we can start seeing some great results for your website!

If you have questions about any of the above, you can contact me in the usual ways.