Podcast RePurposing – 1 podcast, 112 pieces of content

Podcast repurposing - 1 podcast, 112 pieces of content

🎤 It was one podcast, 59 minutes long.

🕳 Hidden away in the depths of a website.
🔗 Promoted a couple of times with a link on social media.
🎧 Listened to by just a handful of people.
🎤 One podcast.

👫 There were 2 people speaking.
👨 One to ask the questions.
👩 Another to answer them.
⏲ 59 minutes of recording time and who knows how much prep?
🎤 One podcast.

✨ An expert put it together over a few hours.
🎞 A couple of hours to edit it.
📣Time for clipping and tightening up the sound.
🎵 More work to add music and create a couple of graphics.
🎤 One podcast.

👂 I listened to it.
🧨 Pulled it apart.
✍ Wrote notes

🎤 One podcast became:

– 15 short audio clips
– 13 SEO friendly blog posts
– 24 social media quotes
– 7 testimonial quotes
– 35 Tweets
– 12 LinkedIn posts
– 6 email newsletters

🎤 From one podcast.

That, my friends, is RePurposing. 112 pieces of promotional copy from one single podcast.Contact me if you want to know how I can help you you RePurpose your content, always with one eye on SEO