Last week was a bit of a waste of time for me, to be honest — I struggled to get back into ‘work mode’ and most of my clients seemed to feel the same.
This week, however, is different — it feels much more like a ‘work’ Monday today!
This week I’ll be:
— putting together a content plan for a new engineering client
— catching up with an industrial flooring client to see how they’re getting on with producing the content I recommended to them in December.
— finishing off some final edits on a technical document for an app developer I’m working with.
— re-configuring a testing website I’ve been working on for a few months already.
— rejigging my #AsItIs sessions after some feedback (splitting into SEO and Content options, rather than a mix of the two).
— proofreading and editing a book written by one of my Blogging Buddy members
Plus, of course, faffing about on Twitter and LinkedIn during breaks.
What’s on your plate this week?