Social media or blog post idea – write a list

Social media or blog post idea - write a list

This was originally a tip in my Content Engine membership group.

A really easy blog post or social media post is a list. Sometimes called Listicles, they’re great for SEO, quick to write, and simple to read.

Navigational image - pink arrow

What sort of list?

It could be anything:

  • 5 reasons to work with me
  • 10 reasons you need a copywriter/coach/web developer
  • 6 ways I can help your XXXX business
  • 3 successes I’ve had this week
  • An A-Z of (your business)
  • 5 pages you absolutely must have on your website
  • 5 reasons you should sign up to my newsletter/course/webinar

The lists you can write are endless.

Navigational image - pink arrow

Why write a list as a blog post?

Google loves a list, and so do readers. They’re quick to skim read, great for getting keywords in, and (most of all), they don’t take long to write.

Don’t forget your call to action at the end!

For more quick and easy to action tips, see Content Engine.